Intern Blog Postings

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fiona Muir

I finally understand what everyone else has been saying all along – the weeks seem shorter and shorter the longer I’m here!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

This has been a short week, and just like the previous ones, it has flown by. However, on Tuesday, we had our first workplace tour – at NASA!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nikki Sanford

After the 4th of July recess week and a nice holiday weekend with the family, I jumped right back into work on Monday.  With 2 markups and 2 hearings on the agenda, there was a lot to do in very little time.  As the primary intern working Tuesday’s Markup of HR 2413—The Weather Forecasting Improv

Friday, July 5, 2013

Jamie Garrett

Dinner with the SPS Executive Committee was delicious. It was delivered to ACP and we ate in the conference room on the fifth floor. It was a quick meal before we went to the Capitol Steps show in DC. The show was full of hilarious political satire that mocks everyone. It was quite a riot.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Alec Lindman

My main accomplishments this week comprised one material project and one conceptual breakthrough: I built a fully analogous test rig for the Kevlar strands, and I figured out an elegant way to route them.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Katherine Stankus

This week Congress was out of session so work in the office was a little slow. Since there were no hearings to attend, most of the staff members were either finishing up on some work before the 4th or were already on vacation.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

So, we had a great time on Friday, sharing dinner with the SPS/Sigma Pi Sigma Executive Committee, and went to the Ronald Reagan Building to watch the Capitol Steps performance, which was the one chosen to be broadcasted for the 4th of July.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Christine O'Donnell

Last weekend was pretty quiet – I spent most of my time catching up on sleep and Doctor Who, and I also did some astronomy research (I’m still involved in quite a few projects from my undergraduate work).

Friday, July 5, 2013

Nicole Quist

Friday, Caleb and I went out to NIST, where I will be doing the other half of my internship. We met with Mary, my new mentor and talked about how we were going to incorporate the SOCK with the rest of the program.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Alexandra Day

Happy Fourth of July!  It was so special to be in DC this week with all of the holiday festivities! The atmosphere in Foggy Bottom changed dramatically with the sudden influx of tourists, and it was fun to be able to give directions to people looking for the metro and the national mall.
