Intern Blog Postings

Friday, July 26, 2013

Alec Lindman

On Friday we toured NIST with Alexandra and Dr. John Suehle, her mentor. We visited so many labs that I’ve probably lost track of a few, but these are the highlights. Our first stop was in the electron microscopy suite – though the star of the show wasn’t even an SEM.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Jamie Garrett

The beginning of this week I started working on preliminary drawings for the Angular Momentum and Rotation. I have to send them to the Art Director at APS to have them professional drawn up for my activities.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Katherine Stankus

The beginning of the week was dedicated to preparing materials for the upcoming hearings on Wednesday and Thursday. As the point-intern for Wednesday’s Joint Environment and Energy Subcommittee hearing entitled, Lessons Learned: EPA’s Investigations of Hydraulic Fracturing,

Friday, July 26, 2013

Christine O'Donnell

This week was the much-anticipated AAPT Summer Meeting in Portland.  I spent most of Saturday sitting in airports and on airplanes (I had a nice long layover in Houston).  Luckily, I remembered to load my iPod with some TV shows, so the trip wasn’t too boring.  As we landed in Portland, we got a

Friday, July 26, 2013

Nicole Quist

Friday night, I came home and crashed hard. It had been an exhausting week and I really needed the down time.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Alexandra Day

This week I made a lot of progress at work and I’m excited to see how my project concludes in the next week or so. I’m working closely with the scientist who will be continuing my project after I leave, and it’s been a great experience.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Darren McKinnon

The work that I have done this summer has been a bit erratic. I have worked with a number of different approaches to studying Eta Carinae, including principal component analysis, three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling, and observational analysis. I have thoroughly enjoyed each one.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Caleb Heath

There is a meditative quality unique to mechanical labor. The fingers move and the mind goes away; when it returns, it finds the products of the body strewn all about it. Time disappears, and then only the creation remains.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Dayton Syme

This week has certainly been the best by far. By Thursday I had completed the remaining talking points that Camsie wanted.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Fiona Muir

Everything’s started to come together at work this week as we began to create resources and lesson plans about women in physics, based around all the information we’ve been researching over the last month.
