SPS Leadership Scholarships

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Applications Due March 15

If this date falls on a weekend, the application is due the following Monday

2024 | 2023  |  2022  |  2021 | 20202019 | 20182017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

Scholarship Overview

The purpose of the Society of Physics Students scholarship program is to encourage the study of physics and the pursuit of high scholarship. The SPS Leadership Scholarships consist of $2,500-$6,000 awards for physics majors in the latter stages of their undergraduate careers.

Scholarship at a Glance

  • Several $2500-$6000 awards may be made each year
  • The top awardee is named the Jocelyn Bell Burnell Leadership Scholarship Award winner each year, with an award of $6,000
  • Awarded on the basis of academic performance and leadership in their department (often through SPS or the department group)
  • Applicants must have at least junior level standing according to your institution's definition, and plan to be enrolled as an undergraduate for at least one more semester.


  • Applicants must be undergraduate members of the SPS national organization
  • Applicants must have (at least) junior level standing

Application Procedure

Applicants must complete an online application, no later than March 15 (if this date falls on a weekend, the application is due the following Monday). The online system will guide applicants through completing the individual steps of the application process listed below, including requesting letters of recommendation. All pieces of the application must be in by the deadline in order to be considered for the scholarship.

The application consists of several parts:

  • General information form
  • Transcript: An official, current transcript must be sent directly to the SPS Scholarship Program by the applicant’s college or university. Transcripts must be postmarked by the application deadline and mailed to:

SPS Scholarship Program
1 Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740

  • Outline of the physics and related courses the applicant has taken and plans to take
  • Written statement of the applicant’s career objectives
  • Written statement of the applicant’s participation in SPS activities
  • Certification from the Department Chair that the applicant is in good standing with the department and making satisfactory progress toward the degree
  • Two letters of recommendation from faculty members familiar with the applicant and his or her qualifications. The recommenders should comment on the applicant in light of each of the three criteria:
    • high scholarship performance both in physics and overall studies,
    • the exhibition of the potential and intention for continued scholastic development in physics, and
    • active participation in SPS programs.

Selection Criteria

In determining the recipients, the SPS Scholarship Committee shall consider with equal weight:

  1. high scholarship performance both in physics and overall studies,
  2. the exhibition of the potential and intention for continued scholastic development in physics, and
  3. active participation in SPS programs.

Details for Awardees

Awardees will be required to submit a completed W-9 federal tax form (or equivalent for international students) before funds are dispersed.


Please address questions related to this award to SPS-Programs [at] aip.org.