Friday, September 4, 2015
Brean Prefontaine
People often say that it is easy to get wrapped up in life events and forget to take a moment to reflect. I can certainly agree! The end of summer brought an end to the SPS internship and a whole new set of things to tackle (like moving into a new house and the start of another term of classes).
Friday, September 4, 2015
Shauna LeFebvre
As I am getting settled in at Union for my senior year, I can't help but to think back on the summer. It seems like just yesterday I was moving into the apartment in D.C. I'm so grateful for all that I've experienced this summer.
2012 Quadrennial Physics Congress
Friday, July 17, 2015
Teresa Turmanian
Monday morning I took a break from project MOSFET to talk to do some career exploration. This internship has been immensely valuable in that it has helped me identify what I don’t want to do, and given me the opportunity to meet others in areas that are more interesting to me. My proje