May 3 2016

We are saddened by the passing of our beloved colleague and friend, Dr. Jon Levin, professor of physics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK).

The annual gathering of the Fermilab Users Organization will be held on June 15-16, 2016. Preceding the Annual Users' Meeting on June 13-14 is New Perspectives 2016, a conference for graduate students, postdocs, and undergrads to present their work to an audience of peers in a low-pressure environment. Abstract submission for these presentations must be completed through the Indico event before May 15th. The deadline to register for New Perspectives and the Users Meeting is Friday, June 1st 11:59 pm.

The Society of Physics Students club at the University of Wisconsin - Platteville will host the Fall Zone 9 meeting November 11th & 12th 2016. More information to come.

Charles Bertram

University of Central Arkansas

16th Annual AMS Student Conference, 21–22 January 2017 in Seattle, Washington

The 2017 AMS Student Conference: Observe the Leaders of Today, Become the Leaders of Tomorrow, will be held 21–22 January 2017 in Seattle, Washington in association with the 97th AMS Annual Meeting.

PhysCon Fundraising Kits

Mar 23 2016

Get a PhysCon Fundraising Kit to help your chapter raise money for PhysCon 2016.

Joseph Smolsky

University of Nebraska-Omaha


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