Society of Physics Students

PhysCon 2019 will bring together more than 1,500 students of physics and astronomy with mentors, alumni and renowned scientists in Providence, RI for a life-changing experience to explore how we all have the capacity to Make Waves & Break Boundaries.  Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from luminaries in the field, go on tours, engage in workshops, and build our community. 

Check out the event on Facebook!

Michael Welter

SPS Communications

Amanda Williams

SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern

Winston Roberts

Florida State University in Tallahassee

Samantha G. Pedek

Robert Tarchinski

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

The Zone 5 SPS Meeting will be held jointly with the AAPT Sectional Meeting held at Edgecombe Community College in Tarboro, NC. 

Registration, schedule, and hotel information can be found here

hosted by USciences SPS and co-hosted by Rutgers-New Brunswick SPS
