Society of Physics Students

Friday, June 22, 2018

Amanda Williams

Okay, so birthdays. Shout out to Stephanie and her birthday on Monday, and all the interns pulling together with food and drinks and games to make the night special. We love you Steph. And then, luckily for Michael, his 21st birthday fell on the date of the boat cruise.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Michael Welter

"This is my absolute dream job. I seriously love what I do." -Brad Conrad at the conclusion of a staff meeting that he attended despite officially being on vacation.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Amanda Williams

When I first got started in physics, and committed in college, I had a master plan to become the best out there. What would it take? I figured it was all physics. All day. Every day.

Elliott Capek

Oregon State University

Donna Hammer

University of Maryland-College Park

Vanessa Chambers

Utah State University

Dr. Mike Hibbs

Tarleton State University

Sidney Lower

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Friday, June 8, 2018

Michael Welter

"Hey, you know those spherical cows? I need a spherical space cow." -Brad Conrad, Director of SPS, to me, the 2018 SPS Communications and Web Development Intern, on Day One.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Amanda Williams

End of week 1, and what a time to be alive! To live in DC on the night the Caps win the Stanley Cup at home, to be working at the American Center for Physics with Danielle and Brad, to hang out at the Einstein memorial with a bunch of physics nerds; I would say I am thriving.  
