American Institute of Physics

Friday, August 9, 2013

Fiona Muir

This week has been very busy and very bittersweet! On Monday all the interns gathered at ACP to go through our presentations and see how we could improve them before the symposium on Tuesday. It was a bit daunting but so helpful to get everyone’s advice and suggestions.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Fiona Muir

We’re just coming to the end of our last week of proper work, and I’m sure every other intern is saying this in their entries, but I seriously cannot believe how quickly it’s over! On Monday, we all said that we knew this week would fly by but I don’t think we knew how right we were.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fiona Muir

It’s hard to believe that after today we’ve only got one full week of work left before we all leave DC and head back to school, work, or (in my case) weather that we can actually cope with.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Fiona Muir

Everything’s started to come together at work this week as we began to create resources and lesson plans about women in physics, based around all the information we’ve been researching over the last month.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fiona Muir

I finally understand what everyone else has been saying all along – the weeks seem shorter and shorter the longer I’m here!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fiona Muir

Despite only spending three days of it at work, this week has been more hectic than the last two put together. Last weekend I headed up to New York to see a friend I hadn’t seen in over a year and tried to fit as many tourist attractions as possible in to the twelve hours I was there.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Jamie Garrett

Time is flying by here in DC! Often I’ve thought to myself, I can’t believe I’ve only known these people for two weeks now! It’s nice that we all, the interns, get along so well. It feels like I already have great friends here. So let us begin where I left off last week…

Friday, June 28, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

So, I got a seat in front of the piano at this Kennedy Center concert! It was incredible, and I met a jazz pianist and vocalist from Oregon, who was sitting next to me, with whom I shared the awe of this concert.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

One more week went by, and we were only able to smell it pass through. Last Friday we had the opportunity to try something new. We took the metro to Union Station and went to an Ethiopian restaurant.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

I remember the day I received the email from SPS offering me the Career Pathways internship for this summer. I was really excited, but at the same time I had no idea of what it actually meant, or what to expect from it.
