American Institute of Physics

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nikki Sanford

After the 4th of July recess week and a nice holiday weekend with the family, I jumped right back into work on Monday.  With 2 markups and 2 hearings on the agenda, there was a lot to do in very little time.  As the primary intern working Tuesday’s Markup of HR 2413—The Weather Forecasting Improv

Friday, July 5, 2013

Nikki Sanford

Congress was in recess this week, so it was not as busy in the office.  On Tuesday, the other interns and I were able to take the Hood and Emergency Training Course, required for all Hill Staff and Interns.  It turned out to be both informative and pretty interesting, since we got to hear about a

Friday, June 28, 2013

Nikki Sanford

It’s been another eventful week here in the nation’s capital! In the committee office, all of the staff and us interns were working to prepare for two hearings and a markup of the National Windstorm Reduction Act.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Nikki Sanford

I’ve always heard that a science degree can get you anywhere. We all know that a math/science degree is excellent preparation for the extremely vital, significant careers in research, engineering, technology and other technical fields.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

That concert was good! However, I like faster pieces… Week 3 has passed, and I would say this was the music week, since I had the opportunity to attend several concerts-presentations.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

And just as I expected, this last week totally flew by. On Sunday my brother came to town to spend the last 4 days of my internship with me, and so he had to see our final presentations.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

It is very striking to see the dome of the capitol building for the first time. It is full of great art: sculptures, paintings, murals. The tour lasted about 40 minutes, and the tour guide shared some of her own shocking experiences by the end of it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

This week has been full of activities. As the internship comes to a close, we have to start thinking and working on our final presentation, finish documents, and organize things, such as tours. On Friday, we went to the NIST tour, which was very interesting.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

The landscapes one can see on the trip to Charlottesville, Virginia are beautiful. There are a lot of fields, crops, and little valleys. Even though the bus left from Union Station in DC one hour late, I really enjoyed the trip and the view.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jose "Ro" Avila

This has been a short week, and just like the previous ones, it has flown by. However, on Tuesday, we had our first workplace tour – at NASA!
