Duke University

Duke University

Natalie Klco

Duke University
Giavanna Jadick

Friday, August 2, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

Just the other week was the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, and a group of us interns went to watch a reenactment of the launch projected on the Washington Monument.

Giavanna Jadick

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

In the Twilight Zone where policy interns thrive, the local currency is free Capitol Host sandwiches and black coffee. Didn’t RSVP? No worries! The event sponsors welcome you anyways (probably).

Giavanna Jadick

Monday, July 15, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

Yes, she lives! You may have noticed, I’ve been gone a little longer than usual since my last blog post. Never fear, some fluctuations from the median arrival rate are expected with any Poisson distribution.

Gia Jadick

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

Running is an excellent activity by which one can explore their surroundings, hone their physical abilities, and overall, simply enjoy the beautiful outdoors. DC is a runner’s paradise, with its lovely parks, spectacular waterfronts, and epic monuments lining the national mall.

Giavanna Jadick

Monday, June 24, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

Surprise, I’ve figured everything out! Behold, my dear reader. I’ve acquired my crystal ball, and I’ve seen the future—I’m going to be a Boat Rocker.

Giavanna Jadick

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

With the summer flying by faster than I can fathom, I find myself thinking about the many ways we wander through spacetime. We walk, we drive, we fly.

Giavanna Jadick

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

This week Congress was back in session, and it certainly got busy very quickly! On top of usual intern tasks, I attended my first hearings, toured NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, went to several special events on the Hill, and started tackling more of my individual projects.

Giavanna Jadick

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Giavanna Jadick

This summer, I am one of the AIP Mather Public Policy Interns. The purpose of the internship is to get physics students involved in the policymaking process up on Capitol Hill. I have always been interested in both politics and physics, and I am always thrilled to find ways to combine the two!
