North Carolina State University

Friday, June 22, 2018

Elon Price

So I think I can confidently say, I will not be a YouTuber in the near future.  Video editing is tough stuff! It took me so long just to figure out how to fade the music volume before the talking begins.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Elon Price

So in case you were wondering this past week, no I still haven’t figured out how not to get lost on the Metro.  But I’m steadily learning everyday! Sometimes I miss my stop (like this morning) but then I just get right on that reverse train and eventually get where I need to go.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Elon Price

My head is spinning.  I haven’t been able to function on less than 8 hours of sleep since way back in freshman year (because you know, that was FOREVER ago).  For the first time in a while, I feel like I truly belong.

Elon Price

APS Career Programs Intern

North Carolina State University

Laura Goodman, David Calvert and Robert Valdillez

North Carolina State University
