Week 4: Exploring

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Thursday, June 22, 2017


Victoria (Tori) Eng

This past weekend was the first time I got to explore D.C. tourist side. On Saturday, I was a bit of a busy bee. I went to the Eastern Market to get lunch and look around the stalls. They had a whole stall for custom bowties! I need to go back so I can get my brother a bowtie, he is a bit of a bowtie aficionado. After eating in a lovely Italian café, I was stopped by a few people from Pathfinder International. They informed me about the work they do and how the Gag order that Trump signed earlier this year was effecting the work they were doing abroad. They went from being in 26 countries to 19 in a few short months. It is incredible the effect that Trump is having on organizations that are simply trying to help other countries, which in turn will affect the future world we live in. I had never see an organization like this looking for donations on the street before. I unfortunately couldn’t donate that day but it is something I am certainly thinking about for the future. My next stop was the National Mall, I mostly walked around Capitol Hill searching for the other SPS interns while talking to my boyfriend. Once, I did manage to find them inside the Air and Space Museum, we quickly split up so they could go see Wonder Woman and I went to a planetarium show. I had never been to a well-done planetarium show before. It was truly amazing to look at the stars in that way. Later that night a few interns went out to celebrate Jacob’s 23rd birthday. We caught a dinner at the Hamilton and then went to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture show. Myself and 2 other interns had never seen Rocky Horror with a live cast performing in front of the screen and were properly introduced into the ways of Rocky Horror. After one very late night, I slept in the next morning. That afternoon, I walked over to Georgetown and explored by myself. Later that evening I went to see Wonder Woman since I couldn’t go the day before and it is a truly excellent film.

This past week at work has been a little dull. We have all the research done and have it all designed. It has been a week of proof-reading, small adjustments to the design and laying out all the materials. On Thursday afternoon, we went to the craft store to pick up the supplies to finish the design of our exhibit. We are so close to finishing the exhibit, both me and Lexxi are eager to work on our next projects. Those will primarily involve doing online projects. We are excited to not have to cut out anything on those projects.

Victoria (Tori) Eng