Sunday, June 21, 2020
This was a fantastically productive and encouraging week here at APS Careers. I am really starting to feel like a member of the team and the community both within APS Programs and amongst my fellow SPS interns!
Now for actual updates:
In terms of creating new physicist profiles, Midhat uploaded three new profiles (Julianne Pollard Larkin, Wendy Laurin, and Shahida Dar) that were completed throughout the winter of 2019 and early 2020. Each of these is a great read and I highly recommend checking them out! I have contacted three new physicists that fill gaps in career fields that aren’t represented yet in our physicist profiles page. One has already filled out the survey and I am in the process of drafting and editing the profile, hopefully it will be uploaded in the next two weeks!
For reorganizing our profiles page, this week Midhat and I met with the web team and came to a consensus on an initial draft of how we want the new visual layout to look. We have also finalized the four categories we want all the profiles to fall under, which will hopefully help people have a far better visual and navigational experience when it comes to how they interact with the profiles page.
There was also continued progress in the APS Careers “Career Shape Up” email series. Midhat and I were able to develop a list of resources each of the individual “personas” we came up with would need to learn about. After that, I was able to develop a list of each individual email that would need to be written. I then organized which emails would be sent to which personas. Midhat and I have decided to split the work and each of us would do an initial draft of an email we felt confident writing about so that we could edit each other’s work next week before moving on to another email. After all of the content is written for these emails, Midhat and I will meet back up with the marketing team to see how they will be distributed and develop a timeline.
In other news, Midhat and Dr. Crystal Bailey (the head of APS Careers) have asked me to host my own webinar for APS Careers, which is very humbling and exciting! We have begun brainstorming some ideas and I can’t wait to help the physics community in this new way!
For social updates on the week, I was able to go kayaking this weekend with my grandmother which was a ton of fun! I was also able to grab dinner with a few different friends and participated in the social events and happy hours hosted by fellow SPS interns and the SPS Executive Committee; all of them were very fun and engaging! I’m really enjoying learning about my fellow interns and I’m happy with the relationships I am building despite not being able to do this internship in person with them. Each intern has an incredible backstory and such ambitious career goals! I cannot wait to continue learning about them as time goes on.
Week three was all I could hope for and more, but here’s to continued progress in week four!
Jack Moody