Week 1 - A soft introduction to AFM and CoC (Blockchain on Supply Chain)

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Sunday, June 6, 2021


Roberto Gauna

A bit late to the party, but here goes

Started the internship off with a rocky start. I had to move out of my apartment the same day the internship started, then had to make a 1,400 mile trek from South Texas to South Florida. But luckily my supervisor is super understanding.

The other intern (Karthik) and I started the week with a  soft introduction to "Atomic Force Microscopy" given by Joe, our NIST supervisor. Joe went over KPFM (Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy), a specialized type of AFM, and what we will be investigating using COMSOL. Hopefully will get to see more of this in the coming weeks.

In addition to this project Karthik and I are planning to investigate how we can use electronic fingerprinting for supply chain securing. We have to look into current research on how blockchain technology is being implemented in current supply chain actors. So far Dr. Yaw Obeng is leading this project and just wants us to propose possible schemes based off of current research. I think there is also the question of what exactly we want to use to fingerprint on the microchips.

As of today (June 8th) I have very little to report. I am setting up my computers and all the software it looks like I will need for the summer. I have my RSA token (issued by NIST) but have no idea how to access the remote service. Hopefully everything will be setup by tonight and I will have substantial progress by the end of the week.

Roberto Gauna