Week 1: Moving to DC!

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Saturday, June 3, 2017


Michael Forkner

Wow. It's been a crazy week. I just moved here from Oregon on Sunday and it's my first time out on the east coast. We have been exploring D.C., doing outreach, working, and I have been working on homework. I am graduating from Oregon State in a few weeks with my bachelor's in physics, but I am still in classes. My first Friday here I had to take my particle physics final. Taking classes and working full time has been very interesting, especially with all the events we've been doing. 

On memorial day, we all went and visited Arlignton National Cemetary. We then went and picked up groceries and unpacked and most of us cooked dinner together that night. Wednedsay night we had dinner with the AIP co-CEO at here house. It was a great night hanging out with all the other interns as well as the director of SPS and our intern coordinator. Friday we all went to Astronomy on the Mall. It is an outreach event on the National Mall teaching the public about astronomy and science. We brought a bunch of demos and SWAG and taught mainly little kids about physics. It was a great experiance watching the kids faces light up when they understood what was going on or saw a really cool demo. All in all it was a long and hectic week, but I can already tell its going to be an amazing summer.

Michael Forkner