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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Evan Erickson

Much of life boils down to making decisions. Pay ten cents to get new shopping bags or risk catastrophe by reusing bags? Cookies or ice cream bars? Drop two bucks to get a physical subway pass card or spend twenty seconds every time you take the subway trying to get the card reader to acknowledge your phone's existence? Another wanton? Stay on the subject or have multiple non-sequiturs because you can't come up with an overarching theme for your blog post? Raspberry or strawberry jam?

(Channel Static)

I love potlucks. Grew up with them as a kid. Always fun to get a bunch of variety in food. It's always a surprise what you'll eat. Oh, people you know are there too, that's another bonus, I guess. But back to food.  It's fun to be part of a food assembly line. Where did these things come from? Where will they go? Beats me, I'm just baking these little things in a toaster oven.

(Channel Static)

Restaurants get weird about pizza. It is an inherently common food. The pizza crust is the easiest thing to make. With some flour, water, salt,  yeast, and time, you can make some incredible bread to slap some pizza ingredients on. Yet these highfalutin places come along with their charbroiled bland bread with one expensive thing on it and then upcharge. Most of the time, I'd rather eat Domino's pizza than that.

(Channel Static)

Have you ever been to some science booth event and thought to yourself "You know what this is missing? Some rave music cranked up so high that I  can't hear any conversations." Standing for three hours is tiring, and talking to people is tiring, but the constant synthesizer noise is the icing on the cake.

(Channel Static)

You inevitably miss things growing up. You can't catch every single trend,  show, book, game, movie. Some just slip by. Luckily, nothing is stopping me from backtracking timewise and live a decade or two in the past.  Mostly from binging Adventure Time (almost through season 5) or playing  Half-Life 2 (being from MIT, I feel like I'm required to). Yes, this does put me in a cycle of Cool Thing™ happening, I'm busing doing Other Thing™, and years later I discover Cool Thing™, but it does help me avoid Disappointing Thing™.

(Channel Static)

I love frosting. I don't get people who hate frosting. It's concentrated sweetness with a nice texture. It's like ice cream that's solid at STP.  Cakes should have a good layer of frosting. We should find something additional to put on cakes to get some texture variety. The only downside to cakes in our current technology is that their texture is a bit too uniform. Brownie/cake combo is one way of approaching things. Surely there must be others.


P.S. Not sure why I kept going back to food. I guess I'm a little hungry at the moment.

Evan Erickson