Intern Blog Postings

Friday, July 13, 2018

Mikayla Cleaver

Last weekend was amazing- Peter came to visit me again! On Friday, we stayed in because it was slightly rainy here in DC.  We watched the World Cup game and then cooked dinner together (one of our favorite things to do).  On Saturday, we went to the zoo!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Amanda Williams

As I sit and work on write ups for our outreach page, I ponder about the different kind of obstacles people face to understanding a concept.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Michael Welter

"All physicists are awkward. There are like four different categories of awkward, but we all fit into one of them." -Brad Conrad explaining the story behind yelling "Thumbs up for Science!" before every physicist photoshoot (example below). 

Friday, July 13, 2018

Daniel A Morales

This week has had its ups and downs, and when I say "downs" I really mean just a minor inconvenience with my project at NASA. After trying to model niobium-coated microstrips on a silicon substrate, we were consistently finding that COMSOL was not producing the expected results time after time.

Headshot of Kristen Larson

Friday, July 13, 2018

Kristen Larson

Week 6 truly went by so fast and I can’t believe installation of my exhibit is next week!!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Jesus Perez

It is interesting to think how 6 weeks ago I landed here in D.C a few days before the internship began and I was able to run around and explore. The days before moving into the dorms I remember imagining what the summer would look like.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Elon Price

This week was definitely a change of pace. But I welcomed it.  I felt before this week I was beginning to get into a routine of waking up, going into work, grinding it out with my video project, going back to the dorms, gym, and then rewatching Luke Cage Season 1.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Stephanie Williams

Life is a journey. You wake up one day, thrown into the world without any idea where you’re going, but an innate desire to get there.

Headshot of Sarah Monk, AIP Mather Policy Intern

Friday, July 13, 2018

Sarah Monk

Today I am grateful for the view out my office window.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Elon Price

*Note:  My apologies for this blog being later than usual, I’m finally getting over a virus I caught Thursday.

