Intern Blog Postings

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Benjamin Preis

On Monday, I met with Kendra for a shortened reproduction of the orientation, in which she went over all of the information about SPS, AIP, and APS that I missed due to my late arrival.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nick Durofchalk

On Monday, June 9th, the Hubble Space Telescope looked towards Eta Carinae and collected spectrogram data with the on board Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This was yet another eventful week in the life of an SPS SOCK Intern. Monday we made a lot of progress in narrowing down all the ideas for experiments for this year's SOCK.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Stephen Skolnick

At a little past 7:30, just as the light of the day was beginning to fade, I walked up to the tables outside the Newseum in Washington, DC.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kelby Peterson

One of the expected aspects of research is long hours in the lab crossing your fingers hoping your experiment will work; then of course cursing your stupid mistakes when it doesn't. One aspect of research I didn't expect was to be doing all that in the dark.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This week has been very eventful. Saturday we went to visit the Freer Gallery and visited Arlington Cemetery not to long after that. It was my first time witnessing The Changing of The Guard. It was a very humbling experience.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Jacob Zalkind

During this first full week of work, we in the history department wasted no time in getting right into the thick of our work. So far this week, Simon and I have visited the library at least 3 or 4 times and have checked out and checked back in at least a dozen or so books between the two of us.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ashley Finger

As I write this, I am nearing the end of my first full week as an intern for the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. This week, Congress was in recess, which made for a slower pace in the office, but, I found, hardly any reduction in my excitement.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mark Sellers

So, it's been a full week at SPS and things are going very well. I think I've made a good transition back into the working environment. Friday was spent on brainstorming more demonstration ideas, as well as meeting Dr. Kraig Wheeler of the American Crystallographic Association at a meeting.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stephen Skolnick

In order to get a feel for the kind of work they do (and the kind of puns that will fly in this office), my supervisors had me spend one of my mornings the first week reading through issues 1-6 of "Spectra: The Original Laser Superhero."
