Intern Blog Postings

Monday, June 13, 2016

Mariah Heinzerling

As a native of the DC Metro area, moving into my apartment in Woodley Park should have been the first thing I did when I got home. Instead of doing the smart thing, I waited until Sunday night at 9 pm the day before my internship started.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Vanessa Espinoza

DC became my temporary home the Friday before this summer internship began. The week has been yery hectic, but also a great time. I am lucky enoug to be living with 5 awesome roommates.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Simon Wright

I arrived in dc on May 22nd, with two weeks to go before I started my internship. Even as I enjoyed the beginning of summer, I started to feel a little bit anxious about starting this job.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tabitha Colter

"Politics is more difficult than physics"- Albert Einstein

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Maria McQuillan

This summer I am living one of my biggest dreams, working for NASA. I am so thankful to SPS for providing me with this opportunity. This has been my first experience working closely with SPS and I’m loving it.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Jose Corona

I arrived to Washington DC on Sunday, a day before the start of the internship, and to be honest I was nervous.  Despite being nervous, I was excited more than anything.  I was excited to see what was in store for me this summer, and the many opportunities to learn something new.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Marissa Murray

Off to a good start

Patrick Mangan

Monday, September 28, 2015

Patrick Mangan

When I first found out that I was accepted for this internship and that I would be spending the summer in Washington D.C., I made it my goal to be on a first name basis with Barack and Michelle Obama. And while I didn’t come anywhere close to achieving this, I still could not be happier that I went. This summer was an insanely good experience for me. I met a lot of great people, lived in a completely new environment, had a lot of unforgettable experiences, and did a lot of work that I think could really benefit the education system in America.

Amandeep Gill

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Amandeep Gill

I am all settled in San Jose, California now, my first semester as an Aerospace Engineering grad student at San Jose State is well underway. As a physics undergrad turned engineering grad, I was worried about leaving physics behind and not being involved in the physics world anymore.

Max Torke

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Max Torke

I still can’t believe my fortune in being chosen for this internship! Getting to live in D.C. and work at NASA were both incredible stand-alone experiences. Together they constituted the best summer I have ever had! I had so much fun cruising around DC and meeting so many great people!
