Union College
SPS SOCK & the NIST Summer Institute Intern
Society of Physics Students
The Society of Physics Students is a professional association explicitly designed for students, to help them become contributing members of the professional community. SPS Science Outreach Catalyst Kits, or SOCKs, contain hands-on exploratory physics and science activities specifically designed for SPS chapters to use in outreach presentations to local elementary, middle and high school students.
Shauna and fellow SPS intern Hannah are creating and testing a set of core activities for this year's SOCK and writing instructions for lessons and demonstrations. They will also use the activities with the NIST Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers.
Hello! I am Shauna LeFebvre and I am this year’s SPS SOCK/NIST education intern. I come from a tiny town in Western Mass. Next fall, I will be a senior at Union College in Schenectady, NY. Along with my physics major I am pursuing minors in mathematics and in ancient Greek. For the past two years, I have done research with my advisor, Dr. Chad Orzel, on projects involving the Rayleigh scattering of light and using parametric down-conversion to carry out single photon experiments. I also have experience assisting in introductory physics labs and working at our department’s help center. I have been involved with Union College’s chapter of SPS as secretary since my sophomore year, and have recently become president.
When I am not spending time in the physics department, I am helping out with other clubs on campus. I am vice chair of one of the seven Minerva councils at Union College. These councils strive to provide fun events that bring the campus community together. I also have a leadership position in my school’s pep band, in which I play alto and bari saxophone. I also play in Union’s jazz ensemble.