Explaining Eclipses & Exoplanets
Display this demonstration to talk about eclipses, exoplanets and companion stars!
Cloud in a Bottle
Create a Cloud in a Bottle from a just a few simple materials! This demonstration can be used to explain the process of the water cycle and the formation of a cloud.
Vocal Fold Straws
Learn about how our vocal folds work by using straws!
Interactive Soundscapes
Experience the power of sound by listening to a number of audio files that will transport you to different places! You can find the files here:
Soundscape 1:
Soundscape 2:
Soundscape 3:
Soundscape 4:
Soundscape 5:
Soundscape 6:
Soundscape 7:
Soundscape 8:
Soundscape 9:
Elastic Wave
Learn about standing waves and how waves are constructed by creating your own!
Doppler Ball
Learn about the doppler effect by constructing a doppler ball you can toss around!
Reflection and Refraction
Learn about reflection and refraction via lasers in water.
Racing Cylinders
Learn about moment of intertia and rotaional mechanics through racing food cans down an inclinded plane.
Straw Landing
This demo will show what happens to the surface of a moon or planet when a rockets lands.
Slimy Spaghetti and Meatballs