High School (ages 14+)

Learn about "passive" cooking through this energy efficient workshop! Participants will make pasta noodles by using hot water and an insulated travel mug, and eat a delicious meal. Water molecules, energy, heat, isolated systems - these are only a few physical concepts introduced in this engaging demonstration!

Build a device that releases ring shaped air vortices that are visualized using smoke to show the wonders of fluids

Falling space rocks collide with the surface of planets and moons to create impact craters which can be found all over our solar system

Movement of massive objects in space create gravitational waves that travel outward in spacetime and bend light along the way. We detect these waves by using lasers and watching changes in how light moves through space. This demo uses clear jello and a laser to show how collisions create ripples that radiate outward from the source, which are able to bend light.

Explore resonance, waves, and acoustics with this simple rijke (reekee) tube.

Make a flaming tube to explore the physics of waves and acoustics.

The Rubens' Tube should be used with caution and vigilance, especially if used indoors. 


Build a cost-effective amplifier for your SPS chapter, or use this as a workshop template for community outreach. Empower participants by helping them create an effective, useful, and integral electronic device.

Recreate E.F.F. Chladni's classic demo of sprinkling sand on a plate and playing it with a violin bow to create and visualize various vibrational patterns. This versatile demo can be adapted to talk about sound wave acoustics, vibrational normal modes, and energy transport to a wide range of audiences. 
