Sunday, June 29, 2014
Kirsten Randle
As Felipe returned to the lab after an eventful journey back from Mexico, my surroundings have become a little less silent. This week I finished up the draft of my paper, sent it to Dr. Chuss and Karwan for review and also got to get my hands a little dirty in the lab.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Kirsten Randle
This week, I continued with my code, which is building in complexity under the guidance of my advisor Dr. Chuss and a postdoc named Karwan.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Kirsten Randle
I've continued to work on what will become an optimization code for the CLASS bolometers. After evaluating the intensity, power, and noise, I'll move on to optimizing the window for detection, which is limited by the opacity of the atmosphere.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Kelby Peterson
We interns had a great Sunday together. Ashley and I invited everyone over for a huge brunch meal. There was tons of food, talking, and good times. It was a great start to a hectic week.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Kelby Peterson
This weekend was a blast. Saturday was a day spent by the Georgetown waterfront. For most of the day we rented kayaks and went around the Potomac River. We explored a little 'island' we found, and I got sufficiently sun-burnt (even though I put on sunscreen).
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Kelby Peterson
As promised this week's post will start with the 4th of July celebrations. I was very lucky and my girlfriend came to visit me for the weekend. We met up with all the interns Friday morning and spent the day with a blanket laid out near the Washington Monument.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Kelby Peterson
I know, I know, I'm cutting this week short; but don't you worry I'll get the 4th of July celebration in to next week's post.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Kelby Peterson
Remember back in preschool when you had arts and crafts time? Remember how teachers always told you 'NO' when you stuck tape to random objects? This week all those ignored reprimands and my extra tape practice came in handy.