Katrina Hanson

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

New technologies under development at Saint Peter’s University

From left to right: Cedrick McDonald, Gregory Renner, Dr. Ruth Malenda, Hannah Pell, Matt Campbell, Nick Durofchalk, Anthony Hoover, Andrew Burkholder, Douglas Olinger

Sigma Pi Sigma Induction Banquet

From left to right: Amanda Palchak, Erica Bloor, Alyece Willoughby, Steven Kirkup, Austin Andries, Tyler Reese

Sigma Pi Sigma Induction Ceremony, Connectintg Alumni to Undergraduate Physics Students

From left to right: Ashley Tucker, Daniel Nikolov, Spencer Mamer, Lauren Grana. Absent: Michelle Zur.

Connecting Students & Alumni with Panel Discussion on Physics Careers

From left to right: Nathan Holman, Jarrod Bang, Kristina Ward, & Lana Zholudeva

Physics Field Day

Henry Foley

Henry C. “Hank” Foley, Sigma Pi Sigma ‘76, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Dr. Randy Booker honored as 2014 SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor

Apr 16 2015

In what has become an annual tradition, SPS presented the Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award at the AAPT 2015 Winter Meeting. Randy Booker of the University of North Carolina at Asheville was the distinguished 2014 recipient.


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