CERN’s ATLAS experiment helps inspire a Sigma Pi Sigma alumna to give high school physics students a more authentic research experience

The planning committee and SPS staff are pictured at Google X headquarters, where they discussed options for site visits during the 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress.

Dec 1 2015

The planning committee for the 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress (PhysCon), along with the SPS management team, recently spent an invigorating weekend at a planning retreat in the Silicon Valley, CA, area.

The planning committee and SPS staff are pictured at Google X headquarters, where they discussed options for site visits during the 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress.

The planning committee for the 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress (PhysCon), along with the SPS management team, recently spent an invigorating weekend at a planning retreat in the Silicon Valley, CA, area .

Andrew Mascioli, Class of 2017, and Ian Hunter, Class of 2016

Tufts University

Run an Experiment on IBM's Quantum Processor!

Layout of IBM's five superconducting quantum bit device. Image courtesy of IBM Research.IBM Research has announced that for the first time ever it is making quantum computing available to members of the public, who can access and run experiments on IBM’s quantum processor. 

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