Monday, August 2, 2021

Gina Pantano

Hello everyone! We officially have one week left until the SPS 2021 Summer Internship Program comes to a close. The past week I have been putting together my PowerPoint slides for my final presentation, working on my project, and trying to make last-minute connections.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Gina Pantano

Hello everyone! Crazy to think my dream internship will be ending in less than two weeks. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity despite the challenges the pandemic posed on the GSFC and SPS.

Learn about how our vocal folds work by using straws!

Experience the power of sound by listening to a number of audio files that will transport you to different places! You can find the files here:

Soundscape 1:

Soundscape 2:

Soundscape 3:

Soundscape 4:

Soundscape 5:

Soundscape 6:

Soundscape 7:

Soundscape 8:

Soundscape 9:

Learn about standing waves and how waves are constructed by creating your own!

Learn about the doppler effect by constructing a doppler ball you can toss around!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Joseph Watson

This week at SPS: This week, several of us got together and watched a short movie after catching up about our week a little, so this was great!  We also had a talk about a fantastic undergrad research program aimed at the lower classman at universities who want to get into research!


Monday, August 2, 2021

Maura Shapiro

I considered holding off on some news to give this blog post a surprise ending, but I’m too excited and too impatient. So, the big news: I accepted a job with NBLA to co-make and co-host a physics history podcast!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Noah Johnson

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us” - Gandalf


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