Breaking into the White House Lawn

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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Charlotte Bimson

This week brought Goodwill Hunting, WallE, Spider-Man, and Lego Batman—all very good movies. I suppose we are redeemed from the disaster of Spy Kids. 

On Monday, I taught Charles how to do a handstand. Once he can do a handstand, I will forgive him for his grapefruit sins. 

Tuesday was a big day. Jenna and I went to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations hearing with the Boeing CEO David Calhoun. It was a surreal experience to see a high-profile hearing in person rather than on the news and social media. Equally momentous, Reidyn and I beat Jaden and Johnny in Spikeball, ending their undefeated record.

The interns had off on Wednesday for Juneteenth. We spent the day at brunch then the portrait gallery. I helped Chef Johnny make radish pancakes. I shredded 5.25 lbs of Daiko Raddish, then spilled wine and the rice flour. It turned out delicious. The potluck was one of my favorite moments during the internship.

Thursday was another big day. Jenna and I visited the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The building itself was beautiful and the energy of all the staffers bustling around was infectious. We also saw famous people: John Legend and Chrissy Teagan, Jose Hernández, and Kamala Harris (from a distance). I might have gotten in trouble with the Secret Service. I tried to walk through a gate onto the White House lawn area. I was promptly told I did not have clearance. 

Thursday was also Charles’s 21st Birthday! To celebrate, we went to an 18+ club (Johnny is still 20) and partied it up. I don’t think I’m built for party life; I was mostly ready for bed when we were out. 

Friday was much calmer. We worked in ACP and then went to the French Embassy for live music. 

Saturday was busy again. I visited the National Museum of African American History with a friend from home. Later that night, we all volunteered at Astronomy on the Mall, which was not my favorite experience. It was loud and crowded in the building. I think I would have preferred to be outside with the heatwave than cooped up in the building.

Sunday, we walked to the Georgetown Flea Market. It was brutally hot, but seeing different parts of the city was nice. Once we got home, I immediately went to the pool and cooled off. We watched the first Spiderman, a movie that is not as good as Lego Batman but most certainly better than Spy Kids. 

Charlotte Bimson