Juniata College
SPS Google Scholarship
I am Rohit Raj, a sophomore studying Physics at Juniata College. My interests lie in the intersection of high-energy particle physics and cosmology, particularly in extreme phenomena like Black Holes and high-energy particle collisions. I want to gain a deeper understanding of quantum phenomena, high-energy physics, and their applications in understanding astronomical phenomena better. In summer 22, during my research internship, I explored LIGO data analysis and reproduced the first detected black hole signal, and looked for more black holes. This experience inspired me to pursue research in astrophysics, and I'm excited to share that I will be interning in this field at the University of California, Santa Cruz in summer 23. Recently, I have also been fascinated by the field of numerical simulations and the use of Artificial Intelligence in understanding physical phenomena. I have started simulating astronomical events to understand them better. Additionally, I have been involved in SPS from my freshman year and currently handle social media for my chapter. I presented at Physcon 22, one of the most impactful conferences I have attended yet. My future plans include pursuing graduate studies on the intersection of high-energy particle physics and cosmology, with the ultimate goal of becoming a Professor of Theoretical Physics and working on Quantum Gravity, continuing the legacy of unification in Physics.