Bryn Mawr College
AIP FYI Science Policy Communications Intern
American Institute of Physics
Matangi Melpakkam - Final Presentation.pdf
This presentation explores the importance of informing the science community about how science policy priorities are set by Congress and government agencies. It describes two projects I have worked on as the FYI intern, a budget tracking tool and a bulletin on debates over research on the health effects of low doses of radiation. I will explain why these projects and others like them are crucial to the dissemination of information to the science community. Along the way, I will also explain the choices FYI makes on a weekly basis when deciding what news to cover.
I am Matangi Melpakkam (she/her), a rising senior majoring in Physics and Political Science at Bryn Mawr College. I participate in my college's SPS chapter regularly. Aside from academics, I run the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program at BMC, where we train volunteers to prepare taxes for low-income taxpayers in the Norristown, PA area. I am excited for this internship opportunity because I will be able to combine the skills learned from both of my areas of study to foray into science news writing.
In my free time, I like to read mystery/thrillers, cook, handletter, and swim. I am from New Jersey and my favorite animals are bees. This summer, I hope to explore composting and baking more.