Remote Learning Resources

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The academic community has quickly transitioned to remote learning in light of COVID-19. Below are some resources -- for students and for professors -- to help with adapting to virtual learning. Note: Most of the resources presented here are developed and provided by those not affiliated with the Society of Physics Students. We are merely trying to share resources that might be helpful to you.


Study Habits

Tips for Transitioning to Online Learning

Study Planning Resources

Maintaining Motivation

  • Five ways to handle disrupted courses
  • Woop
    • WOOP is a science-based mental strategy that people can use to find and fulfill their wishes, set preferences, and change their habits. Based on twenty years of research in the science of motivation, WOOP has helped people reduce stress and increase work engagement, find integrative solutions to problems, and improve time management and academic achievement.

Mental Health

  • Managing Fears and Anxiety around the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Self-care tips
  • Podcast on Psychological Resilience in the Time of Coronavirus
    • Ann Marie Roepke, PhD, works in the areas of positive psychology, well-being, resilience, and stress-related growth. Her research and practice focus on developing innovative ways to help people not only survive, but thrive, in challenging circumstances.  She earned her doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center under the mentorship of Martin Seligman, a founder of the field of positive psychology, and Angela Duckworth, a leading expert in grit.  Dr. Roepke has designed and tested multiple programs that use positive psychology concepts and strategies to help people overcome adversity and build meaningful lives.


PhysPort -  A web portal hosted by AAPT that supports physics and astronomy teachers with research-supported methods. 

Online Teaching Resources

Strategies for Transitioning to Online Teaching

Tech Tips

Becoming a Better Online Teacher

  • How to Be a Beeter Online Teacher - Advice Guide
  • Transforming your online teaching from crisis to community
  • Five Facets of Social Presence in Online Distance Education
    • Social presence in online learning environments refers to the degree to which a learner feels personally connected with other students and the instructor in an online learning community. Five factors representing facets of social presence in online learning environments were identified: social respect (e.g. receiving timely responses), social sharing (e.g., sharing information or expressing beliefs), open mind (e.g., expressing agreement or receiving positive feedback), social identity (e.g., being called by name), and intimacy (e.g., sharing personal experiences). Understanding the role of the learner’s sense of presence may be particularly important in distance learning situations in which students and the instructor are physically separated.