Zone Meeting Reports

The following articles are reflections from Zone Meetings, from a student perspective. As a requirement of the SPS National Zone Meeting Funding, chapters who request Zone Meeting funding must submit a reflection report about the Zone Meeting. .

Learn more about SPS Zone Meetings

Matthew Klink

Florida Polytechnic University

Melissa Kiehl

Lycoming College

Natalie Klco

Duke University

Contributed by the SPS Chapters at University of San Diego, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego; edited by Chad Kishimoto, Zone 18 Councilor

California State Polytech University-Pomona

James Hofmann

Lewis University

Chad Kishimoto

University of San Diego

Lysa Wade

University of Rochester

Linda Cassidy

University of Rochester

Andrew Howell

Texas Tech University

Ronald E. Kumon, Ph.D.

Kettering University A & B
