Society of Physics Students

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mark Sellers

I had a very green weekend! Kirsten and I visited the National Arboretum on Saturday and it was incredible.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mark Sellers

This week has focused on testing out new demonstrations for the SOCK, planning for our classroom visit, and lots of networking! Monday was mainly taken up with writing up some new explanations for our demos, as well as figuring out what to take to the 3rd grade outreach event.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This week was just about all dedicated to preparing for the final presentations for the intern symposium. Monday morning all of the interns went on a tour of the Pentagon. I thought it was really interesting. We had a great tour guide who was very enthusiastic and informative.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

I have mixed emotions about this week. It has been a very fun-filled week. It has also been a sad week because it was the last week of the middle school science teachers summer institute. I have developed a strong relationship with the teachers and I am sad to see them go.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This was my second week working at NIST. It gets more exciting by the day. On Monday the institute for the middle school science teachers started and I finally got to meet all of the teachers. We did introductions on the first day and the teachers went through a workshop on measurement.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

My first day at NIST went really well. My boss Dr. Catherine Rimmer is really fun to work for. I also met Ms. Karen Cloud who is a former participant of the NIST summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This week has been dedicated to finishing the experiments for the sock. We have been writing the explanations for these demonstrations & activities. It has been very fun to go over the experiments. You get to look at the experiments from a different perspective.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This week we had a few more networking opportunities in house where we connected with people we hadn't met already. It is always good to meet new people and pick their brains about the work they do and what led them down that path.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kearns Louis-Jean

This was yet another eventful week in the life of an SPS SOCK Intern. Monday we made a lot of progress in narrowing down all the ideas for experiments for this year's SOCK.

SPS SOCK (Science Outreach Catalyst Kit) Intern
