Society of Physics Students

Introducing the SPS-Galileoscope Program for SPS Chapters

Texas Chapter Raises Money by Raising Awareness for Cancer

SPS Chapter Invests in a Vending Machine

Pie-A-Professor Event A Hit!

Ideas for Making the Most out of SPS

Top Five Tips for a Great SPS Year

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Shauna LeFebvre

My last week with the middle school teachers was fantastic!  We started off the week by presenting more of the SOCK demos.  Hannah and I taught the middles school teachers how to use Slinkys to explain the different properties and types of waves.  Then we showed them the “Sound at a Distance,” “F

A Letter from the Newly Elected SPS President

Max Torke

Monday, July 6, 2015

Max Torke

On Saturday, several of the interns and I went to Philadelphia for the day.  We started with a walk through Drexel University campus on our way to downtown Philadelphia.  Our first stop was the Chemical Heritage Museum.  The museum was filled with the most influential scientific instruments throu

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Shauna LeFebvre

This past week was wonderful!  Monday was my first day working with the middle school teachers.  We started with introductions and ice-breakers, followed by an overview of the work done at NIST.  Then we had a tour of NIST’s museum.  This was amazing because we got to some of the standards that u
