American Institute of Physics

Friday, July 14, 2017

Lexxi Reddington

This past week was extremely busy with old projects, new projects, and tours. Firstly, Tori and I officially completed all of the exhibit cases, including hanging up stars in the downstairs case to add an extra visual component that draws attention to the information inside.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Lisa McDonald

This week I got to step outside the world of U.S. research for a bit and see a different approach: research funding in the EU.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Victoria (Tori) Eng

Looking back on this week has been both very eventful and very uneventful all at the same time. We had a four-day weekend with the 4th of July falling on a Tuesday. I spent both Saturday and Monday just hanging around the apartment, just relaxing.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Lisa McDonald

Five-day weekends are nice, but it just makes the two-day workweek feel so long.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Lexxi Reddington

This past week consisted of only three actual work days, due to the long-weekend. Not surprisingly, D.C. goes crazy for the Fourth of July. There were beautiful fireworks, immensely large crowds, and lots of fun.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Victoria (Tori) Eng

Another week has come and gone here and D.C., it is crazy how quickly the time is passing here. I’m pretty sure all the interns are enjoying ourselves and frankly I don’t want to think about leaving, I know I won’t want to go.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Lisa McDonald

Halfway through the summer and I've set a new record for this internship position: publishing two articles with still five weeks to go.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Lexxi Reddington

This week, we finished installing our physical exhibit, Why the History of Physics Matters, in the Neils Bohr Library & Archives! This was incredibly exciting because we got to see all our efforts over the past five weeks finally come together into a final product.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Lisa McDonald

I watched nine hours’ worth of videos, took extensive notes, and composed a beautiful article…that won’t actually be published on FYI.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Victoria (Tori) Eng

This past weekend was the first time I got to explore D.C. tourist side. On Saturday, I was a bit of a busy bee. I went to the Eastern Market to get lunch and look around the stalls. They had a whole stall for custom bowties!
