American Institute of Physics

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Maura Shapiro

Hi audience and welcome to my journal entry! Since you don’t know me yet, and since I was once a campus tour guide, allow me to introduce myself and then we’ll start with an ice breaker. 

Please read the following in the peppiest, most rehearsed, yet slightly tired tone possible: 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Noah Johnson

“Engage” - Captain Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Madison Brewer

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Madison Brewer

Welp—we did it folks! Before this week started, I was nervous and excited and had so many questions about what my summer might hold. Would I get to write this week? Would my mentor be nice? Would the other interns be cool? Would I like this job?

Maura Shapiro Headshot

AIP Center for History of Physics Intern

Madison Brewer Headshot

Physics Today Science Writing Intern

Julia Bauer Headshot

AIP FYI Science Policy Communications Intern

Friday, August 14, 2020

Maria Stokes

The SPS internship has been over for one week now. The end snuck up on me, but I am excited for my next step. I am moving this weekend to start a year of service, which will be a change of pace.

Samantha Creech

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Samantha Creech

(Please excuse the Hamilton reference; I finally watched the musical and its soundtrack has been incessantly stuck in my head)

Monday, August 3, 2020

Holly Fortener


We're not in Illinois anymore.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Holly Fortener

So this week was crazy. I feel like I was not very productive this week as far as the SOCK and demonstration goes because of my move to Houston. My anxiety and excitement have been very distracting, but I have a few updates!
