American Association of Physics Teachers

Alan Wright

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Alan Wright

Well I completely forgot about this last blog post. The internship is all over now, and the symposium went well. I really liked seeing all the other interns present, and I hope I have the chance to meet them in person sometime.

Alan Wright

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Alan Wright

I got to spend this past week in Washington D.C. for the quantum computing workshop. It was great being able to do something in person and meet my mentor. At the workshop I got to help with setup, help attendees with activities, and meet a bunch of interesting teachers.

Alan Wright

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Alan Wright

I made it to DC! It was the first itme that I've flown by myself, but everything went smoothly. When the plane came in I got a really nice view down the Mall of the Washington Monument, the Capitol, and the Lincoln Memorial. (pictured below)

Alan Wright

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Alan Wright

I had lots of fun this week. First, my old roomate, who I didn't think I'd see again for a while, made a suprise visit at the end of the week. Then a few of us went to a ramen place to celebrate a friend's brithday.

Alan Wright

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Alan Wright

I had lots of meetings this week. First, I attended several of the AAPT committee meetings, including the high school, undergraduate, and diversity committees. It was interesting to see what some of them are working on for future AAPT meetings and what the other parts of AAPT are working on.

Alan Wright

Monday, July 5, 2021

Alan Wright

Happy Fourth of July! (or 5th now I suppose). I hope everyone got to see some fireworks. The Lafayette show was pretty good.

Alan Wright

Monday, June 28, 2021

Alan Wright

Due to various computer problems, this is the third time I'm writting this blog posting (and hopefully the last).

Alan Wright

Monday, June 21, 2021

Alan Wright

Oops, this is a day late!

Alan Wright

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Alan Wright

This week I continued to work on finding professional development information for the states. I've researched approximately half of them at this point, which should cover a vary large percentage of AAPT members.

Alan Wright

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Alan Wright

This was the first week of the internship. It is unfortunately still virtual, but I will be enjoying my summer at Purdue University.
