Chapter Project Award
Saint John's University
Connecting Students, Community and Alumni to Inspire Tomorrow's STEM Leaders
The St. John's University chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma plans to celebrate its 2014 induction ceremony by inviting St. John's students, faculty, and alumni–as well as students from local high schools and their parents–to celebrate the achievements of our former and current students. This will inspire St. John's students and local high school students to become the next generation of STEM leaders. The ceremony will start with an egg drop contest to inject fun and physics into the event. Following the contest, new members will be honored and inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma. A major emphasis of our ceremony is for our current students and alumni to share their stories of professional development from a physics student to a member of society making contributions in various STEM fields. By inviting local high school students and their parents to the event, the ceremony will foster interaction between all age groups–inspiring tomorrow's STEM leaders. The Sigma Pi Sigma Award will be used to cover expenses for the contest materials, prizes, and the ceremony dinner.
Project leader(s):
Kenneth Wengler, Ashley Tucker, Orlando Lopez, & Benjamin Czerwin
Chapter advisor:
Huizhong Xu