Programs & Resources

SPS sponsors internships, coordinates outreach opportunities, and distributes outreach materials to members and chapters.


SPS Internships are 10-week, broad-based learning opportunities for undergraduate physics majors in the areas of scientific research, education, outreach, communication and policy. Students are placed in organizations in the Washington, DC area such as NIST, NASA, AIP, AAPT and APS.

Program Details | Meet the 2019 SPS Interns


The annual Science Outreach Catalyst Kits, or SOCKs, contain exploratory physics and science activities specifically designed for SPS Chapters and collegiate physics departments to use in outreach presentations to local elementary, middle and high school students. The kits are created and assembled annually by the SPS national interns and national office staff.

Alumni Engagement Program

The SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma Alumni Engagement Program provides an opportunity for all SPS members to connect with the supportive community of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma Alumni in a number of ways! You can connect with alumni for professional development opportunities, to arrange speaking engagements at your next chapter or zone meeting, to shadow someone in a field of interest, to learn more about a career path, and so much more!